Let's see, last month I reported how she has her first tooth. Now she has two. I also talked about her sitting up and now she can go from crawling to sitting upright and back to crawling again. I also said how I have to watch what she can grab a hold of when it is within reach and now I have to watch what she can grab a hold of in general! The other day she pulled a decorative pot off of her grandmas coffee table. The things we think she could never reach or climb on she proves us wrong.
Compared to my son, who took his sweet time to entertain me with his crawling, climbing, and other achievements, this girl is blowing my mind. She is crawling on her hands and knees now. Last months blog update described her as "pretty much stationary". Not anymore. Not like she can move as fast as her 3 year old brother, but she can hold her own in the baby department.
The biggest change of all has been her climbing. That's right, CLIMBING! She loves to be standing (while holding onto something). She can pull herself up to a standing position with almost anything now, including a flat surface like a door. I wanted to wait to do this post when I had some pictures of her standing/climbing, but I have a shortage of pictures this month and if I wait much longer she will be 8 months and I will miss her 7 month update altogether. I will get more photos soon enough, but for now here are some of her happy chunky 7 month old self.

SJ with her Pepe (french for grandpa)
Aw, she's too cute! I remember Cody climbing & being way more mobile than Elly at the same age. Maybe the 2nd child does things quicker to keep up with their older sibling?
She just looks SO happy in every photo (and in person). Her eyes are so open, it's like she's taking in everything and everyone around her with excitement. I love that little girl!
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