This week I am highlighting some of my favorite non profit programs, and it may come as a surprise to some that the SPCA would be one of them, but it is. Unlike the old cartoon film I saw as a kid I do not believe that "All Dogs Go To Heaven", and I am not a vegan or even vegetarian, but I do believe we have a responsibility and stewardship over God's creation and it sickens me to think of the millions of animals that are euthanized annually when we could at least reduce that number drastically by some simple practices.
1. Spay and neuter your pets!
I don't see chastity courses being affective in the animal kingdom anytime soon, but we can do something to prevent the over population of our beloved pets in suburban and inner city communities.
2. Adopt an animal IN NEED.
If you are looking into adopting an animal I urge you to consider rescuing one from your local shelter. You may think you have to have some high dollar pure bred to be your loyal companion, but I can tell you dozens of heart warming stories (including a few of my own) that prove quite the contrary. There are actually many benefits to owning a mixed bread dog and even some purebreds need rescuing.
3. Tag your pets.
One way to prevent animal cruelty (or unnecessary euthanasia) is by holding on to the ones you've got and keeping them safe. There are lots of options to license and tag your pets. We even had our dog micro chipped, it was really quick, painless (I'm assuming by his reaction), and inexpensive.
Those are just three easy things you can do to help. Beyond that I would recommend volunteering or donating to your local SPCA.

I was dressed as a farm girl and Crew was a cow . We did the SPCA run together.
I plan on attending my local SPCA "howloween" fundraiser again this year although I will be sans dog. It's still always a lot of fun.
Do you have a beloved furry friend in your life? Are they "fixed"? What about tags? Spread the word and take action now.
A pet is a wonderful thing. We love our dog twice rescued. And he's mixed I think. I don't think you could find a smarter more loyal dog.
I didn't realize (or have somehow completely forgotten) that you didn't have Crew anymore :( I have a crazy, beloved little mixed breed! She has been fixed & wears tags, but isn't microchipped. I keep thinking I'll remember to call the vet about that, but I seem to only think of it in the middle of the night (like right now)! Though if Pepper ever got lost, I really can't imagine the crazy little thing ever allowing anyone to pet her, much less let someone scan her for a chip! But you never know!
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