On August eight one year ago my blog was up and looking fine
Then suddenly my domain was gone and there was no blog on August nine
But by the 16th I was back in business and wrote my blogiversary poem
And after that I talked about babies and all the different places they go

I shared about a special notebook showing how dreams can become real

Week 8 the topic was all about SJ including a look at baby's first meal

I wrote all about the silly gossip I had read about a few celebrities
Then I talked about being pro life and issues that are important to me
That's when I took a little blogging break I guess I was busy with other things
Like getting ready for our vow renewal and shopping for new wedding rings
This is so great! I LOVE the poem! Happy Blogiversary, my friend!
Yay!! These poems make my heart happy! :)
ryc ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one resistant to some trends! How you feel about How He Loves is how I feel about I Can Only Imagine (though I liked it when Faith came back from Waco, & we sang it before it was popular!) & I totally know what you mean about the book ~ I haven't read it. If it's like her blog, it's not my typical reading style (if that makes sense). I don't like to have to rearrange sentences in my mind to know what she's saying! Is that mean? And thank you for your words about my sweet boy! I've known that God had a calling on his life since before he was born, and I love seeing a glimpse of it unfolding!
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