Z: I will, I will, I promise!
Me: Do you even know what that word means? (I asked him because at that time he was "promising" everything!)
Z: Yes. A promise means that I will give you your satchel back.
He had been watching Tangled and there is a scene where Rapunzel says she always keeps her promises and she promises to return Flynn's satchel.

Obviously Z didn't get the definition quite right, but he was starting to implement a new word and piecing together how it is used.
I love watching this process happen right before my eyes. Last week I had another little conversation and I posted it on Facebook. I got such a great response from it that I thought I should share it on here too.
Z and J were sitting on the bed and I walked in the room and started putting laundry away.
Z: "Mommy you are interesting."
Me: "Yeah, I am pretty complicated."
Z: "Daddy, this could be difficult for us."
That kid just cracks me up! I remember when he was barely one he said the word "appeased."He was just parroting me, but still, it caught my attention. Same thing when he verbalized his feelings at age two by telling me he was "disappointed". Although, he is almost 4 now and he sounds like he is two when he has a temper tantrum, but for the most part he takes after his mama in his love for words.
On the other hand SJ is still not interested in using words. We try and coax her to talk, but we'll just have to wait until she is ready. She points a lot and she can say mama and bubba (for brother), but she doesn't even do that all the time and she is a year and a half. That's okay though. I am totally comfortable with them learning at their own pace.
I think language, expression, and communication are fascinating and beautiful. My children may develop in these areas in different ways, but either way as a parent it is a joy and a privilege for me to get to watch it happen.
What about your kids? Did it feel like they were never going to start talking or that they were never going to STOP talking, and did they learn at the same age?
Z is just too cute! I had to read those to Cody!! Both of my kids took their time talking! But they both learned eventually!!
{once again, we're commenting on each other's blogs at the same time!!}
My kids learn language skills at very different rates. I do remember thinking "i can't wait to hear them call me Mommie", I also remember thinking " If I hear MOM one more time I'll scream". LOL.
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