Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 weeks

Today Sedona is 2 weeks old. She has already changed a lot. She seems to have a lot more control of her neck and tries lifting her head for a few moments here and there. She is awake and alert a little more often, which also means she cries a little more as well. Last week she hardly made a noise, but she's still laid back. Unfortunately she has also broken out with a bad case of baby acne. It is really bad, and even though I know it doesn't hurt her and it just has to run its course it is all over her neck, around her eyes, and just makes her face look inflamed. The doc said she is doing great though.

She had her first well baby check-up and she even gained an ounce which is a big deal at this age when they are often loosing weight.

As for me I was in my eleventh day postpartum and I was feeling pretty good. I went to church and I took Sedona's newborn photos for her baby announcements.

I don't know if I caught a bug, food poisoning, or just pushed it too hard for the day, but by dinner time I started feeling really sick. I went to bed early with a mild fever only to wake up in the middle of the night having to throw up. I spent half the night in the bathroom vomiting and the next day sleeping and fighting a fever. So it looks like I am one of those women that really need a full two weeks of recuperation after giving birth. I am doing good now though, and I even just had my first day with the at home with the kids and no help. My mom went back to Kentucky on Tuesday and J works all day on Wednesday so I was entirely on my own.

The visitations have slowed down, the last home made meal is coming tomorrow, and I guess real life as a mother of two is about to begin.

The first photo is of Sedona's first time out which was for her doctor's appointment, the other is one of her newborn photos, more to come.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Ohhhh, she is darling! But you - YOU take it easy when you can! Don't go making yourself exhausted!!!

{amy} said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I love all the pictures & the video on your last post. So sweet! Sedona is such a cutie, & I can't wait to meet her!