Wednesday, March 3, 2010

39 weeks

Yesterday I reached 39 weeks, this is the week that I was in when I had Z. Things are going well. I am officially on maternity leave now, so other than answering emails I am done with work. I have about a 12 week break which is great, except I just got my last check today. This is a little scary because I still have a car payment and a couple other bills to cover, so I pretty much have zero dollars in spending money until I start working again. It's a tight squeeze, but we'll be fine.

Here are the ups and downs for week 38.

I mentioned a successful prenatal appointment, but I forgot to share that I am GBS negative. This is great news because I tested positive last pregnancy.

Another cool thing is that I have been wanting to get a special gown to have for when I go into labor. This is what I consider one of the perks of an out of hospital birth, silly as it may seem. I have had no luck, until I went to JCPenney and found something simple and comfortable that I really liked which was normally $34.00 and 40% off, making it $20. I normally would not have considered this a good deal, but for this special occasion I was willing to go for it. The best part is I got to the check out and my total was just over $6.00. So I got it for 80% off!

I was happy about the surprise sale and having one less thing to worry about in preparing for the big day.

The down side of the week would be that my body is changing and it's been quite an adjustment for me. I haven't shed any tears over the stretch marks (this go round), but they have spread and become more prominent. I am kind of dreading what they will look like on a postpartum tummy, or what kind of swimsuit I will be wearing in a few months. I also have an outie, it's not a big deal, but I have never had one and it is strange to me.

That's it though, I don't have much to complain about. Tomorrow is my next appointment, so I should have some updates and see if anything has progressed over the past week. I'll definitely keep ya posted.

1 comment:

{amy} said...

I don't know if this post really was at 3:44 PM or not, but it's amazing what can happen in just a few hours, huh?! I really can't wait to meet sweet Sedona!!