So now we are the proud owners of five baby Rhode Island Red chicks!

Just like most newborns they pretty much sleep, eat, peep, and poop. These little rhodies will probably start laying at the end of the summer and have the potential to produce from 250 to 300 eggs a year.

This basket of eggs is from my friend's chicken shown in the second photo.
I am definitely looking forward to eating fresh from the nest eggs in the morning, and that is the main reason we got the chickens, but they will also be the family pets. The kids have both been SO excited to meet their new little friends and the chicks are really excited too, or maybe anxious or shocked might be a better word. Actually this breed of hen are known to be extremely good natured and have even been called the "lap chicken" because of how much they act like a sweet household pet.

The surprise was supposed to be for the kids, but I think I am more surprised than anyone. Do we really own five chickens? We just started talking about the idea a few weeks ago and I figured it might be something that we do next spring, but now here we are with a bunch of peeps, and they are not made of marshmallow.
I love having chickens!
We have Rhode Island Reds too and they are great egg layers. Ours aren't friendly with us but we are just happy to have the eggs. :) However, if your kids frequently played with them and held them, there's a good chance they won't be scared of your kids.
They are sooo cute, especially with your kids. How exciting! Our chicks are starting to flap around their box and roost on things too, instead of just eating, sleeping and pooping, so there are exciting days in your chicks' futures. :)
I can't wait to see them. I love the pics of Z with the chick. Sooo cute.
where did you order your chicks from?
I would love to hear more about these peeps! We went to look at the baby chicks at a tractor supply store a few weeks ago while visiting family. I metioned to Jer that I thought it would be great to have our own egg layers, but he thought that idea was absolutely crazy for suburban dwellers.
That's awesome! It'd be great to have fresh eggs every day! I love the pic of Z with the chick! :)
How awesome!!! I would LOVE to have chickens!! But Its illegal to have them in city limits. :(
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