Today I went to pick up the babysitter and as she was walking to the car Z said "she wore that shirt last time" and he was right, but I wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't said anything. His keen clothing observation makes me think of his dad. He gets a lot of traits from his dad.
For example I think he must have a 10 gallon bladder. I think it's pretty common for most people to make a trip to the bathroom first thing in the morning, but Z can go hours before I realize he still hasn't had a potty break all day after sleeping through the night. This is definitely not from me. Sorry if that's TMI.
Also, Z is a totally cuddle bug, completely affectionate towards all of us and that has to be J too. J comes from a family of huggers, and he has a reputation of hugging. To him you hug when you say goodbye, even if you will see that person the next day.
I have also noticed that Z seems to have a profound awareness of location for a 3 year old. When we were in Kentucky we went to my brother's house and my mom (who has been there dozens of times) pulled into the wrong driveway, so Z (who has only been there once or twice) says "this isn't the right house". It was crazy. I have my mom's sense of direction Z has his dad. When he gets older he'll probably be my human GPS.
He loves to make up songs like his old man. He's a total night owl, that's J too. He also likes scary stories and he's a picky eater all stuff that comes from my husband. THE LIST GOES ON.

Do you know of any traits from you or your kids that are directly linked with certain family members?

Yes, my kids are slobs and hyper like me. If they have any sense of organization they get it from their father. Except all 6 have blonde hair like me too. Thankfully they are still smart and don't walk into walls. I have two broken toes from doing that. Heh heh
My mother once cursed me with "I hope you grow up to have a daughter JUST LIKE YOU." And it worked. My teen is the spitting image of me, appearance and behavior. Thanks Mom.
Ha ha! Elly has a bladder like J & Z! & she definitely doesn't get it from me!! I wish I was still around to see Z's little character for myself! He sounds like such a great little man!
{YES, Dan dabbles in body building! We've been forced to watch the Mr. Olympia contest with him a time or two! & thank you for the list of worship musicians to check out! I appreciate that ~ it's funny that you almost didn't see that post! Also, I totally know what you mean about people not being comfortable talking about death. I'm glad you don't feel like I'm being gloomy! I was one who bottled it up earlier in life, so I get that too! I feel good when other people talk about it, because I know it can bring some healing. Does that make sense?}
I got your comment on my blog. :) Believe me, it's gotten 10 times messier than that. It was just the only picture I had like that. ;)
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