Saturday, May 28, 2011

Deals for the Week

I should have posted this last week, but I was busy being out of town. Not much to tell for my couponing last week because I am kind of taking a break, but I did liquidate all of my extra bucks on this diaper deal were I purchase $25 worth of diapers and wipes for $6.21 using a print out coupon and my extra bucks (+ I got $5 EB back so it was almost like getting it for $1). Some people travel with cloth diapers, but I am not one of them so I figured that CVS would be the place for me to snag a super great deal on this rare purchase.

This brings my total savings for the past two months to $141.12


{amy} said...

Great job! :)

sohirach said...

what a great blog! you are soooo inspirational! i would love to see what your opinions on my blog are! so if you could check it out i would really apprieciate it. :)

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