Monday, June 20, 2011

Top Ten Spring Accomplishments

At the end of March I did a little list called "Top 10 Things I will hopefully accomplish this Spring." I have procrastinated reporting my success because there were something that I really just could not get motivated to do (like #5). So I googled when the summer solstice actually begins in 2011 and it is today, so I found a loophole to accomplish everything within the spring season, technically. Now for updated list

1. Fly a Kite

Check. My brother gave Z what is called a power kite for Christmas a few years back. It's big enough to carry him away, but between that kite and a few cheap ones from the store we had a blast this spring. Really I can not stress enough how much fun we had. I hadn't even flown a kite in like 20 years and just didn't realize how freeing it would be. We are totally hooked on kites now.

2. Change Out Closet Clothes

Clothes are swapped and summer wardrobes are in place!

3. Go Camping

We went camping twice this spring and had a blast both times.

4. Walk to the Store

I love living within walking distance of some stores. I am so glad I put this on my list because walking to various stores means I get fresh air, exercise, and run some errands all at the same time. Our favorite thing to do lately is walk to the local Family Video. Sometimes the kids and I will walk there and pick out one of their free kids rentals which makes for super frugal fun.

5. Sell Stuff

I finally had a garage sale last weekend. More details on that tomorrow.

6. Get an iphone

Check. I not only got an iphone (the 3GS), but I finally was able to replace my old macbook pro with a new refurbished one. Thank you tax return.

7. Get a Tan

I do have a bit of color right now. Thank you yard sale.

8. Spring Cleaning

Of all the things on my list this is the biggest flop, go figure, but the yard sale really did help me declutter so we made some headway.

9. Poetry Reading

I did do my first poetry reading and I think it was a success. I would love to do it again sometime.

10. Blue Bonnet Photos

Forget what I said about #8. #10 may rightfully be the flop of the season. I actually got the kids all dressed up, put them in the field of flowers and gave up after 10 seconds of excessively strong winds that made the whole shoot pretty much impossible. I did get this spontaneous shot of some calves in a field though.

It's not exactly the traditional Texas family portrait I had in mind, but there's always next year.

So that's my top ten list check out Oh Amanda for more.


Jessica said...

That picture of the calves is great! I can totally see it hanging in a restaurant with a rustic cowboy frame. Love it!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful list! I would love a new phone.

Anonymous said...

you're so great with your lists... i'm so bad. :( i've had only one thing on my mental list for two years and still hasn't been accomplished (dreaded spring cleaning). i'll keep trying. :) and i was going to ask you if i could have a couple of those zoo pics, too? please include your kiddos because it's for our memory albums. :)(just whenever you get a chance)

{amy} said...

Great job on your list! I've got to do #8, too. Since is Summer now, I guess I'll just have to wait until next Spring! Ha ha!