Thursday, May 27, 2010

Forever LOST

I don't even know how to put into words how I felt at the end of the Lost series. In the past 3 days I must have transitioned through all 5 stages of grief in regards to the finale episode. I think that I have maybe come to terms with the fact that I will not have all the answers and that it is just a show. After all I did say on this blog that I knew I would be disappointed.

The Lost obsession began with my husband and I renting the DVDs from netflix. Gradually more and more of our friends started to join us as we all piled in the living room on the edge of our seats watching one episode after the other into the wee hours of the morning. Little by little viewers were loosing interest and much like the cast members that were killed off in the show, our little fan club dwindled over time. However for the series finale we made a special effort to get together and celebrate this momentous occasion like old times. My friend made some rockin' tshirts. Mine said LOST on top and had the dharma logo then at the bottom it said "we want answers 5-23-10" we have since joked about inserting the word "still" now that it's over. SJ's onesie said "I'm a little lost".

We had mango quesadillas and fruit on a fish platter as part of the island theme and we all piled in the living room one more time to watch the final episode on the same little square tv that started it all 5 years ago.

Regardless of the ending, I don't know if any show will ever captivate me like Lost did and I don't know that I would want it to, but for those of us that were faithful to the end there is some sort of comraderie. We will always be able to remember the good ol' days when we were all LOST.

The top picture was 2006. We were reenacting our reactions to the show. The next photo is me, SJ, my friend Melissa and her mom, some of the attendees of our little Lost shindig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right before the finale started peter and i reminisced when we first became fans - it was 4 years ago while i was on bedrest with daisy. nothin' else to do, so... i remember at one point peter saying "are you sure this is ok for you to watch? i mean, it won't put you into labor will it?" he asked me that in the middle of an episode of season 1 - i quickly looked at him and said "no! just watch the show..." lol, yes, LOST forever... ;)