Thursday, May 6, 2010

Swimsuit Challenge

I smile as I take in the smell of the sunscreen

The sound of the splashes from children around me

The coolness of water with the warmth of the sun

Now knowing that harsh winter days are done

But the comforting thoughts I soon find are stopping

As I remember I still have to go swimsuit shopping!!!

This Messy Mom poem just came to me today while playing outside with the kids. Yesterday we hit 90 degree weather for the first time this year and so I got out all of our swimsuits to play in the sprinkler. I had to wear my maternity suit, which is really like a little black dress.

I love the water, but like most women I do not like swimsuit shopping. I dread it. A few weeks ago when I saw that the Gap outlet had swimsuits half off I wanted to snag a great deal while I could.

Unfortunately, I think what was half off was the actual swimsuit and not the price. Even the one pieces look like an infamous Jennifer Lopez dress. This photo was taken straight off of

After my experience at the Gap I went directly to Face book and asked if anyone knew of where I could find a decent modest suit for my postpartum body. I got a lot of responses and I now feel like there is hope. My goal is to find something with a great support up top since I am breast feeding (need I say more) and some tummy coverage for my new to the scene stretch marks, and a bottom half that can cover my bottom. Oh yeah, and I would prefer it not look like something that would be all the rage at the retirement facilties and I want to find it by Memorial Day. Is that asking too much? Is anyone else in this predicament or are you all fortunate enough to have a suit that still fits?

Wish me luck as I embark upon this dreaded journey, and let me know if you have any pointers or tips to share. I will keep you all updated on how it goes.


Anonymous said...

so are you going to post a pic of you modeling it once you find one? ;)

Zion said...

Ha ha. One thing is for sure I won't be doing a picture like the Gap model, but I probably will have someone take a pic of me with the kids in the pool or something.