Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Wow, two posts in one day, I guess I'm making up for lost time. Today I scheduled my next sonogram which should tell us the sex of the baby and they are able to get me in a lot sooner than I expected. I honestly have not even been thinking about it. In fact I have been patting myself on the back for being so patient and relaxed with this pregnancy, but now that I know the grand reveal is right around the corner I feel as giddy as a 12 year old at a Jonas brothers concert. Granted it's a different kind of giddy, but let's just say I haven't been this excited in a long time. I have to remind myself though that it doesn't always go as planned. If this baby doesn't cooperate they may not be able tell us the gender.

I don't care if I am having a boy or a girl, but what I don't want to hear is "I couldn't get a good look, but there's an 80% chance it's a..." That is what happened with Z. I hate that! I want to know one way or the other and not be tormented with odds, because my baby is either 100% boy or girl, so percentages only torment me. Whew, thanks for letting me vent about that.

Anyway, If I had to guess, I would say it's a boy, but I really don't have an inkling of intuition this time around. So now the question is what do you think I am having? Just throw something out there it will be fun to see what other people think? If we do find out I will post the results when I do my maternity update later this month. Thanks for sharing this moment with me.

Here are what some consider clues...

1. I did have morning sickness that lasted until about 16 weeks
2. The heart rate at the last appointment was 160, but it was 140 the month before
3. I can't tell if I am carrying high or low, but it feels LOW
4. I have had some pretty severe breakouts
5. I have a basketball shaped belly (a really soft somewhat deformed one, but whatever)


Becky said...


Anonymous said...


nurmisur said...

A boy :)

Amanda huerta said...

Just to let you know, this pregnancy of mine was different then my last 2, so everyone thought it was a girl. I felt about 2 weeks before my sono that I was having another boy. I was not suprised when the doctor said there is the testicles. Lol! If you think it is a boy, it probably is. Babies are so great so I know it will be a blessing. I'm gonna say a boy!

{amy} said...

I'm thinking a boy, too...

Anonymous said...

i'm stickin' to my original answer - boy. :)

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I was one big zit face when I was pregnant - with my daughter. So I'm guessing girl!

Kristina said...
