When my mom booked the flights using her flying benefits she didn't get a ticket for Z because children under 2 fly for free. Of course my friends and readers may already know that Z had his 2nd birthday 3 weeks ago, which means he technically does not fly for free. We were going for the "don't ask don't tell" strategy. Unfortunately they did ask. Only when the ticketing agent asked for his date of birth I made up a date, A DATE THAT MADE HIM OLDER THAN HE ACTUALLY IS! So, turns out I am a horrible liar. Her response was, "that can't be right because he would be too big", meaning he would not be flying for free and would need a ticket. That's when J stepped in and gave a date in December of 2007. Then we turned around, did 3 hail marys and were on our way*.
Assuming the worst part was over we made it through security and to the gate just about the time that a storm cloud hovered over the airport and started dumping buckets of rain causing all the flights to be delayed. We tried to keep Z entertained while waiting, 1. for our names to be cleared on the standby list and, 2. for the plane to actually return to our gate, because until that happened we weren't going anywhere.
Several hours, temper tantrums (from all 3 of us), and phone calls later we were finally boarding the plane. As I went down the jet bridge I had Z's penguin suit case trailing behind me.

I accidentally hit it with my foot and it started rocking back and forth. I couldn't get to go back on it's wheels as it kept banging against the back of my leg. I started moving faster as if trying to escape from a rabid attack penguin. That's when the man behind me shouts "That penguin is kickin'your butt". Well, isn't that the story of my life?
We made it through the flight with little too complain about and on the way off the plane a woman was commenting on how cute Z was and just casually asked "how old is he?" J answered, but I was thinking to myself "I am not sure I even know anymore. Why does everyone keep asking me that!? We don't want to talk about it, leave me alone!"

*I thought I would insert a disclaimer here just in case. No we are not catholic that was just a little guilt ridden sarcasm and no I do not condone lying, we felt terrible about it.
You have an award waiting for you on my blog :)
You know, we had the opposite situation. Once a few months before Laura's second birthday, we were taking a short flight on Southwest, a flight for which we hadn't bought her a ticket. She was so big for her age that the ticket agent wanted me to show proof that she was under two. Well, who carries proof of a baby's age? I was infuriated that they wouldn't take my word for it. They even called the hospital where she was born, right there at the desk, and the medical records office was like, "Are you crazy? We don't give out patient information."
We had to buy her a ticket to get on the plane.
Oh my. I feel for you. Flying with our daughter (in July, when she was 20 months old) was the WORST THING EVER. I'm glad you got home... :)
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. I'm glad in the end it all worked out.
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