Later that week, Z was playing outside and I was hanging stuff to dry on the clothes line. We have a big back yard and it is kind of broken up into sections so you can't see everything at once. I check on Z periodically, but since we have a fence I don't follow every little step he takes. At one point I notice he is out of my sight so I check around the corner and I still can't find him, in fact I don't see him anywhere in the back yard. No big deal, I must have left the back door cracked and he went inside. So I go inside and calmly call for him. Still no Z anywhere. That is when I start to panic, yet trying to convince myself to stay calm. I go check through the yard again with my heart starting to pound a little more with each passing moment. In my mind I am thinking he has to be here somewhere there is no way he can get out. I check the house one more time frantically screaming his name. That's when I realized that he is gone!
So I go to the gate that is in our drive way which was shut, but not latched properly (we had a meter man come by the day before and it was closed with a bungee cord, but not tight enough). That is when my adrenaline kicked into overdrive and I am running through the neighborhood banging on doors, hoping someone can help me find my little boy, but NO ONE IS HOME! So I called 911. I explain what is going on and they told me to wait outside of my house and they would send help. As I am standing there crying hysterically and pleading to God to help me I see cars parked in a nearby drive way. I know the 911 dispatcher told me to wait, but I COULDN'T JUST STAND THERE WHILE MY SON WAS MISSING! I have to take action, so I cross the street and then I think I hear Z's voice. It's very faint because there is an extremely loud football game taking place at the end of the street, but I follow my gut and continue shouting Z's name and crying out for help. Then two yards down I see him in the distance and I can't move fast enough. There is my little 2 year old in a tree house just sitting in the doorway happily with his feet dangling off the edge. The tree house wasn't very high up, I could get him down without climbing the ladder, but still I thought my heart would just stop right then. It had done too much pounding over the past 15 minutes. I embraced my child and cried and cried some more while he just smiled and said "MAMA!" Then I called 911 so they could cancel the emergency.
I was still shaken up for a few days. Of course I felt like a horrible mother for loosing my child, but I have heard many many stories since then to reassure me that these kind of accidents can happen. At least I didn't end up having a heart attack in the midst of it like I thought I was going to and hopefully still have a few years left before all of my hair turns grey from the stress of motherhood. All I can say is thank you Jesus for protecting my son.

Oh Natalie. My heart was pounding just reading your story. I know what you feel like, I think every mom and dad does. I'm so thankful you found him and he is ok.
I will have to tell my mom to read this ... when I was almost 1, I crawled out the back door, down the stairs, out the back yard, down the drive way and across the busy street we lived on. By the time they realized I was gone, I was crawling up the neighbor's driveway across the street and going into their back yard!!! I know my time is coming when Caleb will wander away ... my prayer is that God will just keep him safe until I can find him. I'm so glad you found Z safe and sound :)
How scary for you! I'm so glad you found him safe & happy! I was "lost" one evening when I was 6 or 7, and my parents had the whole neighborhood searching for me. Turns out, I was asleep on the swing in the back yard!
Bless your heart! And praise God! I know that panic feeling and it is not something you forget.
And good job on calling the police so quickly, even though you didn't turn out to need them. Time is of the essence.
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