The first trip out in the dinosaur getup was for a photo session at the local pumpkin patch. He was such a ham, posing like a pro and entertaining all the families shopping for their pumpkins.

Then the next time he wore it was October 30th for trick-or-treat on the square, which is a community event. It was packed and by the end Z was exhausted, but overall it was a positive experience. Here he is encountering another dinosaur.

Lastly on October 31 we hopped from one fall festival to another where many churches were hosting a trunk or treat, which is the same as going from door to door except there are a bunch of cars lined up with trunks full of candy. Here is a lot video clip of our first stop.
I feel like I learned a lot as a first timer and have made many mental notes about what I would do differently next year. I am so excited to see my baby boy growing up and to be getting old enough to participate in some of the holiday traditions that childhood memories are made of.

1 comment:
I love the look the 2 dinosaurs seem to be giving each other. Haha.
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