To begin we had a 14 hour drive from our house to my parents, but we split it up into a 2 day trip. Normally I am all about driving straight through, but between the 2 year old and my current comfort level we chose to take our time. I am really glad we did it this way and we plan on taking it slow on the way back as well.
Thanksgiving went great and I loaded up on all the traditional goodies, with exception of one holiday tradition which involves wine, Bailey's, and/or other cordials. Fortunately my family was thoughtful enough to have supplied some scrumptious sparkling cider and you would not believe the variety of gourmet hot chocolate mixes I have accrued!
I stayed really active this trip and I feel good about that. I did a lot of walking around the city, we played wii sports and wii fit regularly, today I even went ice skating at Fountain Square in Cincinnati, and I feel great. Lastly, I have managed to get some rest during this break. It's hard enough to sleep in the comfort of your own home when you are nearing your 3rd trimester let alone traveling from one hub to the next. This past week I have slept in the car, in the hotel, at my parents, and currently at my brother's house, but I came prepared. We brought our down pillows, my snoogle and of course lots of layers to keep warm at night.
So it's been a great trip, but no matter how much I may brag about having sailed through all the hustle and bustle of travel without any problems, don't let me fool you into thinking I am made of steel. I mean who doesn't get back from a vacation and feel like they need a vacation to recuperate from it?

1 comment:
I know, I am still plodding through a post Thanksgiving letdown! Glad you had such a good time. But what is a snoogle? It sounds appealing!
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