first trip to the zoo,

first haircut,

first time trick or treating,

just to name a few. It was a really fun year of watching him grow and discover all sorts of new things.
It's also been a big year for my two brothers. The oldest one got married and is now expecting their first child.

The other brother traveled around the world playing bass guitar for a band and in December had a song that he recorded in his own studio (Iron Wing Studios) that was featured on an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

As for my husband, he was busy all year long working on remodeling/building a coffee shop for the church.

It is a dream that has been "brewing" for several years now and in November we got see it become a reality when The Lighthouse Coffee Bar officially opened.

One of my best friends moved back to Texas from Michigan to run the place and is doing a phenomenal job, just ask anyone who has tried any of her cooking.

Those (along with what I posted yesterday) are what I would say were the biggest milestones of 2009 and just goes to show how proud I am of all these special people in my life.

A lot of exciting things happened for you this year! I didn't know about your coffee bar - what a cool project, and how rewarding to see it completed and running!
Quite the year for you & your family! & an exciting year to come!! It looks like we'll finally make it to the coffee bar this coming weekend! I hope to see you while we're up there!
Thanks for the tip on my blog. I used to do the Fly Lady thing, but have gotten out of the habit. I think I'll do the timer thing!
As for the patches, I hadn't thought about us both having guys with them! Z & Chris can really pull them off, eh?! You're right, not everybody can make them look good!
{Now I wrote a book in your comment section!}
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