Some people are just cut out for that sort of thing and to my friends that teach that age God bless you. The thing about Kindergarten and most Elementary age classes is that you have the same kids the WHOLE DAY. There is no switching classes at the bell, there is no escape other than a brief lunch and maybe music class. They have a very fast paced schedule of activities involving songs, charts, and materials that as a sub you have no clue how to use. The worst part though is the tattling- OH THE TATTLING! The whole day various kids were telling on one another for saying "the D word" or "the S word" or you name it. One kid came up to me and said so and so said the "E word", which got me curious, so I asked him what the E word was and he "Idiot".
I survived that day, but I remember talking to my husband afterwards and telling him how fat I would be if I were a Kindergarten teacher because I was certain that I would go home everyday after work and eat an entire box of Oreos. To all my teacher friends Kindergarten or not you are amazing. Hang in there, you are about half way done.

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