Food- Yogurt
Drink- Hot chocolate
Song- "Going To The House Of God" (God You're My God)- Delirious
Movie- Lion King
TV Show- Sid The Science Kid
Book- Veggie Tales, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Series
Toy- Thomas and Friends
Instrument- Drums
Saying- "Run Like The Wind"
He has lots of "favorites" and they are changing all the time, but for today these are what I would say are some of his favorite things. He got a toy drum set for Christmas and of course he doesn't perform on queue, in fact it is hard for us to video anything because he stops whatever he was doing if he sees the camera, but here is the best I could get of him playing around on the drums and wearing his daddy's hat.

Cute! Cute! & I like the idea of listing out his favorites. That'd be a neat thing to do every year & see how they change! Also, as much as you love this video now, you're gonna love it SOOOO much more when he's a little older! I absolutely LOVE watching videos of when the kids were younger! :)
He's just too cute!
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