Z has about 6 weeks left (give or take) to be an only child. That is one reason I have decided to dedicate this weeks blog topic to him. After all, along with blogging being like a form of therapy or accountability it's also a great way to document things. Especially since I no longer have a tot site and he has kind of out grown most of the things you would fill out in the baby book. Yet, there is still so much that I want to remember about this stage in his life.
For example today he had a physical with our pediatrician. He is currently 87th percentile for height, 74th for weight, and 89% for head measurements. So he's a big guy with a big head! He also had his first shot and he took it like a pro. He didn't cry or even flinch at all. That's one thing I can check off the "things to do before the baby gets here" and while we were at it I also had his eyeglasses adjusted because they were in pretty rough shape. Then we splurged on Dutch babies at a really neat restaurant called Ol' South. If you have never tried a dutch baby they are a tasty, custardy, crepe like, German pancake and the ones at Ol' South in Fort Worth are a delicacy in my book, despite the creepy name. After that we spent hours outside enjoying the gorgeous weather that will supposedly be turning into freezing cold temperatures within days. J got onto me for teaching Z how to blow dandelions seeds and so we switched to bubbles so that he would have less weeds to try and exterminate in the spring. Even though there is no shortage of toddler moments in our household Z's a good kid, and today was just a really good day.

*In reference to Z's first shot you may be thinking "what the heck, he's over 2 years old he should have had dozens of vaccines by now!" However after much research, consultations, and prayer, we chose to delay vaccines and I know this is an extremely controversial choice, but one that is not taken lightly. This is also really personal and far too complicated of a decision to just draw conclusions from without knowing all the details. With that said this is not a post about the vaccine debate, but I want to be open about the route we've taken and if you have any questions feel free to email me.
I think it's great that you're dedicating this week to sweet Z. I wish I had documented things a little better before #2 came along. It's amazing how the dynamics change! Just think ~ before too long, you'll be thinking about how nice it was to go to the store with just one kid! ;)
Yeah, except I try not to do even that. I know it's terrible! I have friends that shop with 4 kids, but I try my best to schedule groceries at a time when I don't have to take him with me. Although, your right, it is going to happen.
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