Here is the list of goals as posted on January 2, 2009:
1. Watch our wedding DVD with my husband and organize the other photos that we have from our marriage.
2. Grow herbs at home, cook with them, and come up with new recipes for my family to enjoy.
3. Check out books from the Library and I am going to go out a limb here and try to read them as well.
4. Read a book about blogging
5. Sell unwanted items on eBay or get rid of the stuff.
Here is how I did
1. We did watch our wedding DVD on our anniversary, it was wonderful. I never organized the other photos though. I have kept up with family albums and a baby book since Z was born so if I can keep doing that, I will happy for now.
2. I tried doing an herb garden and I even cooked with a few measly sprigs of chives, but at some point I put the potted plants outside to get some fresh rain and sunshine and I forget about them so they died. I wish I had a green thumb, I really do, but I have always had a tendency to kill plants.
3. I did check out a few books from the library and I even read most of them. I also brought Z to a community toddler time that is held at the library to encourage reading early on. I borrowed, purchased, and read several books, which I planned on blogging about them, but so far never have. I am no more of a natural book worm than I am a gardener, but I read a lot more books this year than I normally do and I even enjoyed some of them.
4. Speaking of reading, I read 2 books about blogging which I currently own. First was "Blog" by Hugh Hewitt and then "The Huffington Post Guide to Blogging". I was really disappointed that they both were very political and didn't really help much with my dreams of being a pro blogger. That's okay though, I have since lowered my standards and started blogging strictly for me with no expectations of growth in mind (how's that for a resolution?).
5. We did sell several of J's guitar pedals on eBay and we also bought some stuff. Nothing worked out as smoothly as I would have hoped, so the rest of the stuff we hauled off to a donation center for crisis pregnancies.
Looking back, most of my goals involved trying new things and stepping out of my box. In the end most of the new things I tried didn't evolve into any major new found interests, but I don't feel bad at all about trying and I certainly accomplished a few goals. Next up 2010 here we come.

I've had quit a few years where I didn't do resolutions. Because I never did good with them. I'm ready to give it a shot this year.
1. Do more reusable bags.
2.Start scrap booking.
3.spend more time with friends.
At least you tried some new things & aren't ashamed to admit that they didn't work out as you had hoped! I'm not great at trying new things, so my resolutions are only about doing things I've always tried to do!
On another note, the holidays were busy & I meant to mention this earlier, but I used your family Christmas song this year! :)
Also, I'm really hoping to see Seabird & Switchfoot here in February! I haven't checked on tickets yet, but I just heard yesterday that they were coming, & it made me happy! :)
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