A couple quick stories about my marital bliss. Last week my husband hit a wardrobe road block. In his defense he is manly in his own right. He can weld, parallel park like a pro, and he likes sports and beef, but he had 4 sisters so his interest in clothes and hair products often exceeds my own. Back to the story,
J was worried that he was dressing too young and wanted my opinion. I told him "No. Look at me." as I held out my hands to display my own youthful ensemble. "Do you think that I dress too young?" His response was. "No, you can't look too young because you are pregnant. You just look like a mom." Not only does that statement not make sense, but it certainly didn't make me feel great about how I looked either. "So I look a mom huh?" and his answer was, "yeah, but your
my mom" This wasn't going anywhere good, but despite his way with words I think I know what he meant. I think.
Last night we took our first date of the year. We try and go out once a month. That is a resolution that we started last year and I am carrying it over into this new decade. Unfortunately, we drove about 30 minutes to get to a little Italian restaurant that turned out to be closed on Mondays. So we drove back to our town and went to the Olive Garden. J had checked his phone a few times and that doesn't bother me, but eventually I caught him looking at Facebook, at the dinner table, ON OUR DATE! I told him I would let it slide, but I made him take a picture with me when we got home.

Typically our dates don't revolve around crime and punishment, but believe it or not we still had a good time.
1 comment:
Yeah J!
I love you son!
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