Sunday, December 19, 2010

On Our Way

I haven't had any time to post lately and probably won't too much for the next couple weeks because we are up to our elbows in Christmas craziness, I mean holiday cheer. We've done an insane amount of get-togethers trying to make sure we see everyone before our trip to Kentucky. The kids have been spoiled rotten with presents coming at them from every direction and it isn't even Christmas yet (it is priceless though, and I will post about that later).

I don't have a lot of time so I will just post a couple pictures along with a note to myself to remind me to prepare much sooner next time we take a road trip! I am usually so good at this planning stuff. I did great on getting all the shopping done early and stress free, but it's the packing that has done me in. It's our first vacation as a family of four and I am actually skipping church right now because I am so behind.

I think we are finally just about ready though, so next time I check in on here it will be from another state! Wish me luck.

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