The other day I mentioned that a took my snoogle along for the trip and fellow blogger Becky asked about it. Well, Becky I am glad you asked. A snoogle is a giant body pillow made especially for pregnant women. At the time I got this pillow they retailed for about $70.00 so I had no intention of purchasing one, but was blessed to have a friend who is done having kids pass her snoogle down to me.

It is like being enveloped in a giant nest and I love it. They say a pregnant woman adds one pillow per month, which means at the end of your pregnancy you've got pillows supporting every inch of your body. This pillow eliminates that need. My only complaint is the size. Every time I have to get out of bed to use the restroom it's like a battle between me and the snoogle. "Are we going over or under this time? Should I just fling it on the floor or toss it over on J's side of the bed?"
There are also times usually early in the morning when Z comes to bed with us and it's like having 5 people all squished onto a queen size mattress. I come up with that number by counting myself, the baby in the belly, the hubby, the toddler, and the snoogle. This morning Z slept longer than the rest of us and I snapped this pic of him snuggling with the snoogle.

Considering the snoogle travels with us on trips and cuddles with Z in the morning it's practically become a part of the family. Does anyone else use a snoogle? What about a boppy, bumbo, bumpkin, or bugaboo? Sure they look and sound silly, but from Prego Pops to Bella Bands I still find myself getting suckered into using the products I may have at one time made fun of.

Instead of purchasing something practical like a snoogle, we bought a new mattress set when I got pregnant. We are now the proud owners of a tempurpedic mattress. No need for anything around you when the mattress forms to your body. It is very comfy, but the snoogle would have been a much less costly investment...
I have never seen a Snoogle. I did have a body pillow back in my day (13 years ago). Does your husband joke about being jealous of the Snoogle? I know a lady whose HUSBAND sleeps with a body pillow and she calls it the other woman.
Lexi- That sounds amazing. Jeremy has been talking about upgrading our bed to King size a lot lately, now where that money is coming from I have no idea ;)
Michele- Ha, that is hilarious. Sometimes I do feel kind of weird wrapping my arms and legs around the thing.
Too funny, Natalie. I think I will need to get one when I get pregnant again. There is never enough pillows when I am pregnant and never enough room in the bed. And before and after every bathroom break at night it is a chore getting situated...getting out of bed with pillows flying in every direction and then getting back in with pillows flying in every direction. Ridiculous. Really! One large pillow would surely be better. Never perfect, but better. :-)
Wow! Pregnancy aides have come a long way since I was pregnant ~ or else I just didn't know about them! With Elizabeth, we upgraded from a Full to a King! No fancy mattress, but a new one at least!!
They definitely didn't have that when I was pregnant. After I read this post I asked a pregnant friend in the neighborhood if she had ever heard of the snoogle, and she was like, "Duh, it's my new best friend."
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