I got a positive pregnancy test on January 3 of 2007. What a way to kick off the year.
Then the next Christmas I had a chunky little 3 month old baby boy

and the Christmas after that I had a walking talking toddler.

Now here we are in 2009 and #2 is on the way
and by Christmas of next year she will be 10 months old and all over the place. Time goes by so much faster when you have kids.
On a way less sentimental note (and heads up this will be TMI for any of my male readers) this also got me thinking about my period. Yeah you heard me. In 2006 when I found out I was preggers my last period had been in mid November. I also didn't get my period again until Z was about 16 months old. Then of course I stopped again when I became pregnant this past summer which means I haven't had a period over the holidays in 4 years!!! I would catagorize that as one of the upsides of pregnancy/breast feeding.
That's one of things I love about Christmas it helps us remember the past with glimmers of dreams for the future and a reminder that life comes in seasons and "cycles". Wink wink.

i love reading your blog:) and i loved seeing ya'll tonight!!
No period was definitely one of the benefits of being pregnant!! That, and not having to suck in my gut for a few months. :)
It is definitely a good thing to get to save $$ on those supplies!
Oh, and do I see bangs on your face? Cute.
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