SJ turned 11 months old today. I have been anxiously waiting to do this update because her new milestones have been so exciting.
She took her first steps on January 18 and has been practicing everyday since then. She's not walking yet though. She can take 3 reluctant, wobbly steps at most before deciding to get down on the floor where she is more secure. But if I am holding her hand she feels confident enough to drag me along behind her.

She has 8 teeth now and is eating all kinds of new foods, but I am still holding out on the cake and sweets until the big party in a month.

She has started waving hi and continues to enjoy laughing, clapping, dancing, and CLIMBING!

No shortage of 10 month photos here. Since I got a new lens for Christmas she has been a great subject for me to practice on. I got her a dress for her one year photos and we'll be doing that shoot soon. It's an exciting time of year for this little lady on the move. I wonder what she'll be up to next?

No way!! Only one more month?! How'd that happen?! She's adorable! I can't believe how much a difference one month can make in a little one her age!
I appreciate the fact that you would share your snow if you could! Cody would appreciate it even more! ;)
she's so stinkin' cute! and i was thinking to myself "these photos look like she's using a different lens" then i realized you were! that's so exciting - is it the 50mm?
I love that last picture! Your family is always dressed so stylishly! I love it :)
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