This week has been pretty eventful for my "babies" which are acting more like big kids everyday. SJ decided she is ready to start walking. She still crawls some, but she is more frequently walking from one activity to the next without any assistance. Here is a video I took at the beginning of the week.
Then yesterday Z had reached a new milestone of his own when he came into the room excited to show me the shirt and pants he had put on. I was blown away by this little achievement because he has never put on his own clothes. For nearly a year I had to pull his pants down and up for him every time he went to the bathroom. He has lots of talents, wardrobe however is not his strong suite. Naturally I photographed him in the hand selected, baby blue gap screen print t-shirt, with coordinating black denim, and black rim glasses.

He was so proud of himself and so was I. We even called his ever so fashionable father to share the news.
I guess I've got to get out the baby books for some updates. In Z's case this will be one of the last ones. It's bittersweet.
Wow, on both counts. I know how amazing it is with Z. I didn't think he even thought about dressing himself.
What kind of book do you have for Z? I've kept a 1 and 2 year calendar for Caleb but I haven't seen anything for older kids!
Aw! They're growing up so fast! Love the video of SJ walking!
I love this post. :) I do worry about my "Kids doing tricks" and being obedient. Which is all good but I think it can become overkill like you say. Wanting them to obey like a robot. I have such a hard time just keeping my house clean, it's so hard for me actually that I get obsessed by my failure of it. This part I struggle with daily. Breaks my heart because I just want to enjoy life. Not be obsessed with how I can't seem to keep a perfect house like all my friends. Because I worry about it, it takes my focus off my kids and I I feel like I can't just enjoy hanging out and having fun. You know what I mean? I don't know.
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