Since SJ was born I have been reading one book after the other. I've read about parenting, faith, philosophy, biographies, politics, finance, you name it. Everything, but fiction. I don't do fiction.
Then back in September I was listening to a conference speaker who quoted a book called Redeeming Love and a shriek came from a group of girls in the audience. Everyone was whispering about how they LOOOVED that book and it's SOOOO good. I wrote it down. I was interested in learning more and reading it for myself. Then when I looked it up I saw this photo of the cover.

I gasped. It's a novel? It's definitely a novel, it says so on the cover and not only that, it's a long novel. The epilogue is like a miniature book in itself. I put the idea out of my head, I had a long enough list of nonfiction that I had yet to read. Then I saw a girl carry the book around at our church coffee bar and I asked her about it. She said that she had already read it and LOOOVED it. She told me I could borrow it and insisted that I did. I just finished reading it this week. Once I started I could hardly put it down. There were slower parts and about half way through I was ready to quit just before it started picking up again, but it was well worth a week of my reading time. I learned a lot from it spiritually and I can even say undoubtedly that it has strengthened my marriage.
I am linking up with Try New Adventures Thursday hosted by Loved Like The Church this week (that name goes perfect with the theme of this book!) I know reading a novel doesn't sound like much of an adventure, but it's new to me, and nearly 500 pages of drama, suspense, and romance is all the adventure I needed this cold winter week.
All that being said, am I hooked on novels? No.
I don't have a problem with them. I admire people that can read 500 pages of anything. But I won't be moving onto book #2 of Francine Rivers as one of my friends predicted via text the other day. Next up on my list is Same Kind of Different as Me.

I got it for Christmas and it's sitting beside me right now just begging to be cracked open.
Are you reading anything right now? Have you read either of these two books? I am always open to recommendations.
I love novels! I've read other Francine Rivers books, but not that one yet (though it's on my list). I haven't read the other book, but I've heard good things about it. I would recommend anything by Karen Kingsbury! I'm somewhat addicted to her books!
RYC, thank you for the feedback on my post. I definitely want to write more of what God shows me, but sometimes I wonder if it's just for ME, or if it could benefit others! I know Brooke would appreciate your prayers SO much! It is obviously a huge burden for her.
I've just read "Heaven is For Real" Everyone should read it.
I must comment on my own post to say that I started Same Kind Of Different as Me and so far it is so good. I am sure I will rip through it pretty quickly and write about it too.
i think you should let me borrow it when you're done. ;)
I read Same kind of different as me a few months ago. Be prepared to cry like a baby :) And to see an amazing perspective on marriage and commitment. AWESOME book :)
You know, I've heard people rave about Redeeming Love, but I just haven't read it yet. And I love fiction. I started it once in a bookstore and thought it was good. However, and this is what holds me back, I tried reading some of Rivers other stuff and just did not like it. And I kinda feel bad, being a Christian, not liking Christian authors. But that's the truth of it. And it's not all Christian authors, just fiction. Maybe I'll have to give it another try. :)
P.S. Thanks for linking up this week!
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