Sunday- We went to the park for an evening of fun with friends. Z fell down the slide and bit his tongue. He was okay, but it was bloody, and our clothing had to pay the price.

Photo from that night.
Monday- I had good intentions of having everything clean and organized for the babysitter. I was going to lay out the kids pajamas and leave snacks with little notes that would be helpful. However, somehow the day ended up having a few less hours than most (or maybe not, but that is how it felt), so I ended up frantically running around a messy house at the last minute and wishing the babysitter good luck on my way out the door.
Tuesday- I got the time mixed up for a photo shoot. I showed up two hours early, they were not ready for me and I had to leave and come back. In the end it took up half of my day.
Wednesday- I washed a load of cloth diapers with an ink pen. Granted it could have been worse if it were clothing, but it's still disappointing that most of the diapers and a white wet bag are now blue speckled.

Photographic evidence of some of the damage.
This brings us to today. The house is not clean, the kids are not dressed, I am not making a nice meal tonight. I know it sounds like I'm being negative, but I just don't want anyone that doesn't know me in person to think I have it altogether, although I doubt that's a problem with the amount of typos that frequent this blog. So, in reference to my last post I am still feeling blessed and refreshed, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still a mess.
keepin' it real... ;)
Hannah took the words right out of my mouth, er, fingers! I think we've all washed something we shouldn't have with a load of clothes!
How funny that you cheated even though you knew how the story ended! ;)
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