These first shots are of Z with his cousin and one of their horses. She is involved in 4H horse riding competitions and Z was with them for the last one she did so my mother in law took the liberty of signing Z up for some. I don't have any photos of that, but basically he just sat on the horse and was lead around a barrel course. He got 3rd place for his age group and at just 2 years old he is already addicted to the sport. Yee Haw!

He's also been excelling at potty training which is really a sport of it's own. Last week he only had 2 accidents (it's always poop), but that's progress. This is including a trip to the zoo and a 3 hour funeral. Pretty soon he'll be in big boy underwear 24/7.

Last but not least Z got his first hair style. Ever since his first hair cut on his 2nd birthday he's always had the shaggy bowl cut shown above. I wanted to give him something cooler for the summer, but I just can't bring myself to buzz it. So today I gave him a new do and even got him his own bottle of gel (daddy won't share his hair products). We cut off about 3 inches. I had no idea how much hair that boy had until I swept it all up into a pile. I will have pictures later this week. I guess that's all for now though. Hope everyone is having a great summer!

I can't wait I want to see.
What a cute little cowboy! :)
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