This was the last sentence of my latest blog post. Unfortunately relaxing was the last word I would use to describe my Sunday.
I was on duty in the church nursery. The toddler room. That's pretty much how the day began.
After church J had to clear the stage and help set up the backdrops for VBS.
Then we went to an outdoor mall where they have fountains that the kids can play in. When we left Z threw a level 10 temper tantrum.
Still not much relaxing, but we were doing okay.
As we were driving toward the exit of the mall someone in a Hummer was pulling out of their parking spot coming right at us. They were parked backwards, so they weren't even backing up, they were just driving right into us. I screamed, J honked and the massive tank slowly crunched the front of the passenger side of my car!
J got out and so did the boy with the baggy pants and all out grill on his teeth. I watched as he grabbed his wallet and tried to pay off my husband with a couple twenty dollar bills. I've been jipped by wreckless drivers before, so in the heat of the moment I jumped out waving my arms saying "No way. We need insurance. I want to see some insurance. I am not going to get screwed on this one!" The boy started saying how it wasn't his car, and he didn't have insurance OR a lincense! So I am getting ready to call the cops when he calls the owner of the car (so at least it wasn't stolen). The owner of the vehicle was a young lady that was in a nearby restaurant. While waiting for her the kid looks at me, seeming to be somewhat oblivious to the world around him and he says "Miss, don't be frustrated at me".
My Thoughts:
Oh I'm sorry. You just rammed into a car that has my entire family in it with a $60,000, 7,000 lb gargantuan hunk of metal when we were in plain sight honking at you! Excuse me for being frustrated.
When the girl showed up, I am guessing both of them were in their early twenties but she was definitely the more mature one, she got out her full coverage insurance and we took it from there. All insurance parties have been contacted and the adjuster is supposed to come out this week. It's just a fender bender, but it's still a hassle to deal with all of this.

In reference to that first quote, I wouldn't call it the most relaxing father's day, but I was with the man I love.

I'm sorry about your fender bender. That stinks! I'm so glad you were able to exchange insurance info, though.
Oh no!!!! So sorry! Those are the worst cause they aren't horrible but they take up SOOO much time. Glad someone had insurance!!!!
I am glad no one was hurt!
Oh Natalie! How awful! But I love the image of you jumping out of the car waving your arms!
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