I have decided along with the update of SJ milestones I want to write her letters every 3 months while she is still a baby. Like words of love written over her and frozen in time. Perhaps somethings that she might be interested in when she is all grown up. The reason I am making it a part of the blog is because I have found that things are far less likely to disappear when they are on the internet. Thus the reason for not posting questionable material, although that's a lesson for a later date.
Dear Sedona Jean,
You have been a part of our lives for 3 months now and in that time you have completely captured our hearts.

You have the sweetest personality. You love to smile. You love to listen to your brother talk (something I am sure you will tire of eventually, but for now it makes you laugh). No swaddling or sling wraps for you, because you just love to sprawl out and it's been that way since you got here. However, the most unique attribute you have shown us so far is that you absolutely LOVE dangling your head upside down. It's the first thing everyone notices about you. You are truly one of a kind!
The night you came into our lives is a night I will never forget, it was beautiful. No experience can compare. You are a gift from God showing us His love through you daily. I am honored to be your mother and I look forward to all the talks, chick flicks, shopping, and the icecream that is ahead for the two of us. Or maybe you won't like all of those things, and that's okay. Icecream, though, you've got to love icecream. Seriously, it's amazing stuff, but you can't try any until your one. Only 9 months to go girlie!
Love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck,
1 comment:
Good thing Dan Barrett isn't around all the time ~ it was so hard to keep him from feeding ice cream to my babies!! I know you'll enjoy each moment with your baby girl! I completely miss my times with a baby Elizabeth, but I'm enjoying getting to know the young lady she is becoming. It's SO bittersweet!!
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