When I was pregnant with Z I spotted this retro Taxi cab parked in Dallas and I pulled over to hop out and take some photos. I chose my favorite photo, made the background black and white and enlarged it to hang in Z's room.

I entered it in the photo contest and it won first place in it's category.
When I was pregnant with SJ I knew I wanted to have a special print made for her, but this time wasn't quite as simple. I looked everywhere for a bright pink gerber daisy, but as my due date drew closer and my search was unsuccessful I started to worry. That's when my mom got out the phone book and started calling up flower shops. She ended up buying a whole boquet in order for me to get that one flower (it was red and not pink, but that's another story involving a mix up between "bright" and "light"). I knew I could technically go into labor at any time, so I grabbed my camera and the flower and headed down town to find an urban setting for my subject. I spotted an old building with some distressed brick. The problem was I couldn't get the angle I needed without laying on the ground. Picture me, 38 weeks pregnant laying on my side in a gravel parking lot in front of an abandoned building. I am sured it looked like a crime scene. I was just hoping that there wouldn't be any onlookers calling the cops to report a dead pregnant woman. I repeatedly got up and down to rearrange the composition and by the time I was done I was beyond exhausted. I walked in the door, dropped my stuff, and shouted "WHAT WAS I THINKING?!" In the end it was all worth it though.
Yesterday I was suprized to go to the photo expo and find that the little flower had won 3rd place in it's category. So now, both kids have their own award winning print photographed by mom. And that is the story behind the photo in only 399 words.

Here are some snapshots from the 3 years that I have particpated in the Midlothian Photo Expo
2007- Here I am 7 months pregnant with Z

2008- Little man proudly displaying our ribbon

2010- Me and SJ with the flower photo

I love the flower picture ~ & my mister would love that it's a Dr Pepper bottle! Congrats on winning! How exciting!! I can just picture you trying to take that picture!
{As for my little friend, I just call her Clara Belle ~ like the Disney cow (but she'd probably prefer to be Clarabel, after the train!) I understand about not posting too late in the day! I tried to explain that to a friend one day, & I'm pretty sure she thought I was a weirdo! I'm glad someone else thinks the same! I don't want to be at the end of a super long list, either. So, sometimes I think I'll join a meme & decide against it because I figure nobody will really read one into the triple digits!}
how cool!!! congrats on being an award winning photographer. love your pics :)
Those are awesome shots! I LOVE the taxi and the daisy!!!! <3 <3 Congrats on the awards!
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