Friday, January 21, 2011

Photo Booth

For those of you that have macs you know all about the photo booth application. I have used it many times on this blog, but I had no idea how much fun my 3 year old would get out of it. Remember the post where I talked about Z's new glasses and how he kept on taking photos of himself on the computer?

Well, that was just the beginning.

Later that week I found him making kissy faces and taking tons of photos.

Sometimes other people would join him.

Sometimes lots of people.
By day 4 of this newfound hobby he had figured out how to add effects.

Is modeling his future? Maybe a career as a photographer like his mom? Maybe not. But he sure is having fun.


Anonymous said...

that Z! he's so funny... and smart!!!

{amy} said...

It's great that he has a hobby that is also capturing memories! :) Super cute!!

Erynne Nicole said...

I was gonna say! It looks like he's picked up your Photography Talent! That is soooo cute!!!