Things were going pretty well when I blogged this past Sunday. Little did I know that that night my son would fall out of bed in his sleep and some less than ideal situations would transpire after.
Sunday night I awoke to a loud thump that came from across the house. I shot up and knew what had happened. Z fell out of the adult size bed that he was sleeping in and he was screaming and crying in pain. We didn't think too much of it since he is almost always grouchy when he wakes up, especially abruptly like that. The next day he said his neck hurt so I called the panel of nurses and moms that I know to get their opinion on what to do. He would wince and scream when I picked him up or changed his clothes, but by noon he was running around playing and as active as ever so I decided not to take action, until today when he was still complaining and not using his right arm to do things he would normally do, like climb up into his favorite spot at the table.
So we decided to bring him to the ER were they concluded right off the bat that his collar bone probably was fractured and they took some x-rays.

The x-rays were alarming for a couple reasons. First of all because they discovered that he had Pneumonia! He has had a runny nose and a little bit of a cough, but I did NOT see this coming. Besides that there was a spot on his bone that looked suspicious. We were told it was probably nothing and could have been due to him moving around, but they wanted to check and do some scans. There was a brief period of bawling my eyes out in fear of my baby boy having cancer (this was even more emotional considering he is the same age my little brother was when he was diagnosed with leukemia). However, praise the Lord it was just a fluke and the foreign legion spot did not show up in any other x-rays.
It's been an emotional roller coaster and I will take all the prayers I can get. On the one hand Z doesn't have a terminal illness so I guess I should be grateful, but on the other hand I am still in shock both emotional and financially to be honest (our insurance stinks!). For a boy that is always so healthy and resilient the diagnosis of Pnemonia and a broken bone was pretty intense. Z will be wearing a sling and taking some medicine for the next few weeks.

I have to admit I figured some major injury would happen, but I thought it would come from one of his boyish death defying stunts not in his sleep.
Poor little guy!! On the pneumonia makes one wonder how many kids get it and we don't know it. I think fracturing a collar bone is pretty common with kids, but like you said, who would have thought it would happen while sleeping. Is his bed on a frame? If so will you take the frame away? My son hurt his collar bone last year when he was 13 when a baseball (fast) hit it. There is really not a lot they do for it these days.
You may want to research orthopedic offices to use for during the daytime if anything bone related comes up. We have learned that the ER charges way too much and you end up having to go to the ortho doc anyway.
i can't believe he's sick! i'm so sorry this is all slamming you out of the blue. :( i'll be praying for ya'll... it kind of makes me think of a quote i just read yesterday. it goes something like "to the believer in Jesus Christ, all the pain and suffering you are experiencing here on earth, know that this is the most hell you'll ever have to endure."
Oh poor little Z! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that terrible experience. I know that had to be so incredibly scary. You'll definitely be in my prayers!
Michele I appreciate your advice and experience. I mean that! He has a toddler bed, but it is no bigger than his crib so he somehow ended up in our spare queen size bed which is on a frame. We are trying to figure out a better situation, but I am not sure what that is yet.
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