Monday, September 14, 2009

ANOTHER reaction to Kanye and Taylor

After a long enjoyable television hiatus I am ready to take a peak at what's happening with TV's fall line up for 2009. I am making absolutely no commitment and promise of follow through, but I am always curious about what is out there and this is the week that most networks will be airing some the premiere episodes of new shows and returns of the few old ones that are returning for another season.

For starters can I just take a moment to rant about the latest television scandal that took place last night at the Video Music Awards. Blogs, Face Book, and Online reporters everywhere are chiming in to talk about the scene caused by Kanye West, and I just can't resist. For those who haven't heard the buzz, what basically happened was that Kanye West hijacked the mic from Taylor Swifts who was giving a speech after winning for best female music video. He really riled everyone up by saying that "Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time", insinuating that she should have won---ouch. We already knew that Kanye has a few loose screws and a history of these kind of public outburst, so no breaking news there.

I did feel really bad for Taylor and was happy to see the seemingly rehearsed moment of redemption when Beyonce took the award for best video and had Taylor come out to "have her moment".

It's amazing how much this has stirred people up, whether they like Taylor Swift or not the internet seems to be mourning the humiliation of Taylor and I have a few things to say to the internet because I am a blogger and that is what we do.

First of all there are many 19 year old girls that were raised as slaves in the sex trafficking industry, some that are dying of aids, some that are victims of abuse, and some are single mothers that can't afford to take care of the children. Not that is what we are talking about.

Taylor Swift on the other hand is more successful than most aspiring musicians could possibly dream of. The multi platinum selling artist reportedly raked in over $18 MILLION this year alone. She arrived at the VMA's last night in princess fashion with her sparkling silver gown and Cinderella like horse drawn carriage. Unfortunately as with any fairly tale their is a villain and in this case it was Kanye west interrupting her acceptance speech for one out of the many many awards she has won and will win.

Before I come across as too harsh let me just say you don't have to be on your death bed for me to feel sorry for you. I am a girl, I specialize in sympathy, but as for everyone that is concerned about the well being of this little princess, I wouldn't worry too much, I think she will recover. To be honest, if it weren't for Kanye most of us would never know or care that she ever won that award in the first place.


Becky said...

Good point--if it hadn't been for this kerfuffle, I would never have known she was that big a deal.

Not that Kanye didn't behave terribly, because he did.

gretchen said...

Yeah...I don't feel too bad for the poor dear. This has done nothing but good for her career. But I'm afraid that Kanye needs to learn that Hennessy and red carpet do not mix well.

Anonymous said...

I definitely wouldn't have even heard about it but I did. My first thought was "oh were the awards last night.