Saturday, September 5, 2009

Madagascar 2

Z got Madagascar 2 for his birthday yesterday. It's funny how he calls the first one "the lion movie" but he calls the second one "madcar". That's good though, how else would I know which one he wanted to watch if they were both the lion movie? So Mad-car is playing right now even though Z lost interest about 10 minutes into it and is in another room playing guitar with his dad. He certainly doesn't have the attention span to sit in front of the TV for an hour and a half, or anywhere near that, which is a good thing. When that day comes I know I am going to have to put the kibosh on just how much movie time we allow.

I'll admit the kid flicks get old sometimes, but it could be so much worse, like the Teletubbies for example. Fortunately there are production companies like Disney and Dreamworks that really set the bar for quality animated films. I have yet to see Finding Nemo, but I have been told it's a classic. I will have to add it to my list.. for Z of course. I mean, why would I care? That's all kid stuff, and I am a mature grown up.

Or maybe I am just a big ol' kid.

1 comment:

Michele R said...

You will see that Finding Nemo and Surf's Up are for the adults as much as the kids!