Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prime Time and Late Night (feed back wanted)

Truth be told I have yet to watch any prime time or late night TV this week even though that is my blog topic. I was going to catch the premier of Castle because that was a returning show that I was looking forward to, but Dream Girls was airing in it's slot so I guess I will have to wait. Speaking of waiting Dancing With The Stars is another show that is holding off until next week.

I am not DWTS #1 fan by any means, but if you've followed this blog over the past year you know I talk about it every now and then. Even though the 9th season of the show has yet to begin the hype leading up to it has been building all summer. As far as the celebrity line up goes, there isn't much to talk about, but if I were to have a favorite (without having seen anyone dance) I would choose Melissa Joan Hart. I never was watched The Teenage Witch show, but I know that she is a mom and uses cloth diapers, so there is some camaraderie there. I am sure this will hoist her to the top as a fan favorite right? Not really, she'll probably be the first to go.

Since we are talking about reality/talent shows I can't go without mentioning the big announcement for American Idol's replacement judge since Paula Abdul resigned. I figured this would be it for the 7 year old show. However that was before I heard that the guest judges for the early auditions include Victoria Beckham, Mary J. Blige, Joe Jonas, Neil Patrick Harris and many others. That's not too bad, and now Ellen Degeneres is on board. I've got to hand it to them, that's a pretty good line up. As far as Ellen not having any musical experience other than the sheer love of music as a consumer, well there are 3 other judges on the show that supposedly know what they are talking about, so I think it is a pretty fair spread.

Lastly, has anyone seen Jay Leno's new show? I have not, but I did watch his last episode of the tonight show and it seemed like that would have been a nice place to leave his career. There is all kinds of talk in the papers and magazine that "Jay is changing Television as we know it". Wow, that sounds exciting, but I am not convinced, it's a comedy show that comes on at 9:00 whoop de do. I tend to forget however, being in the central time zone, that I have the luxury of watching late night programs at 10:30 and 11:30 pm if I watch them at all. I can't imagine finishing up late night TV at 1:30 or 2:30 am. So what are your thoughts? You think Jay Leno will change late night TV? Does anyone have any opinions on when comedy starts at night? Does anyone watch these shows and if so which ones? Please share!


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

A. I love Castle. It comes back on next week.

B. I couldn't care less about Jay Leno, except that his dumb show took up 5 hours of NBC real estate - and I wanted one of those hours for my very favorite show, Chuck.

C. I'm actually writing about this tomorrow - complete with a schedule and everything. (I'm sick. I know.) :)

Anonymous said...

I've been very busy and haven't watched any T.V. shows. I have watched digested snippets on Morning news during my break at work.
It seem Jay was the same but earlier. Being in eastern time I haven't watched his show sense I moved away from Texas.
He has a famous large old car collection. He said " you know the cash for old cars deal going on, I just got a billion dollars". Haha. I thought that was very funny.

Becky said...

You know, I don't watch any of those shows anymore. LOOOOONG time ago, I used to watch Letterman, and I would tune in to Leno if he had a guest I was interested in.

I save all my love for the Daily Show these days, and sometimes Colbert.

Zion said...

Mary, I can't wait to hear your report especially about Glee!

Becky, right on, I watch Daily Show and sometimes Colbert online and if I happen to be up AND not doing anything I will watch Jimmy Kimmel.

PS- As soon as I got on here this morning I noticed "feed back" which should read feedback. At least you all knew what I meant ;)

Lexi said...

I have watched the Jay Leno show and it is funny. Pretty much the same as his old show, so I don't know why it is "changing late night tv". He even has the same band. I find him amusing and for someone who has to be at work at 7AM, such as myself, I am glad he comes on a little earlier than the rest. I dislike Conan...he is scary looking and not funny at all to me. I was sad when Jay Leno left and he got his spot. I will most likely never watch that show again.

I am glad for a new season of Bones :) Other than that, I have no idea about any of the other shows you mentioned. I only make an effort to record 1 show on my DVR and that is Bones. Haha, I could sit in front of the TV for hours, but if I limit myself to one recorded show, this limits my time of being a couch potato :)