Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What I Learned From Toy Story

I feel privileged to remember the release of Toy Story. Much like Steam Boat Willie is the first cartoon to ever be accompanied by audio, Toy Story will forever be a part of entertainment history as the first full length computer animated film. I remember going to the theater multiple times to be blown away by the cutting edge animation. It all just looked so realistic. Although, I am sure Godzilla and King Kong did at one time too.

Now 15 years later my son gets to enjoy the movie for the first time. It was one of the VHS tapes from my old collection. Yes, you heard that right, we still own a VCR. I will admit it feels like a lifetime when waiting for it to rewind or having to fast forward through the previews. Still, it lends the opportunity to teach all of us a little something about patience.

I had forgotten what a cute movie Toy Story is. I almost wanted to cry when Buzz believes he can fly and ends up falling off the balcony. Then there is the scene where Woody convinces Buzz that it doesn't matter that he is not a super hero space ranger because he is Andy's toy and that is the most important job in the world.

I am always amazed when I learn humbling life lessons from children's stories. It's stuff we already know, but need to be reminded of at times. To be something that you are not will only lead to disappointment, but to realize your calling and know that is an irreplaceable role brings fulfillment. I may not look like Angelina, or be crafty like Martha, and I will never sing like Mariah, but I am Zs mom (among many other things) and that is a role that I wouldn't want to trade for anything!

The truth is I don't really struggle with wanting to be Angelina Jolie, Martha Stewart, or Mariah Carey, but I just thought some of the major female icons of our culture would get the point across. You can insert pretty much any lie or insecurity and it applies the same.


Becky said...

It IS a really cute movie. There are lots of lines in it that my husband and I quote. Remember (might be in Toy Story 2) when the Mr. Potato head is going on a trip, and his wife says, "I packed your extra shoes and your angry eyes"? Cracks me up.

Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

Love this post! BTW, we still watch Toy Story on the VCR too :) My kids love it.

Michele R said...

It is a good one. I remember thinking the 2nd one was really good too. And I heard that there will be a 3rd coming out next year.

Lexi said...

I still have a VCR as well and several tapes to play in it :)

In all reality, my VCR's have lasted longer than any DVD player I have ever owned...

Zion said...

Lexi, that is so true, we have gone through THREE DVD players and the one we have now doesn't work well all the time, but I never even thought about the fact that we have had the same VCR for 10 years.