Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: I Did It Again

Last week I shared a story of how I said something that could have been taken the wrong way, which is the story of my life by the way. Our church does a thing on Wednesday nights where we eat a meal together before going off to our separate Bible studies. It is a really great thing that brings everyone closer, like family.

One night the topic came up about the Transformers sequel, and one dad at the table said that it was not "kid friendly". I had already assumed that from the PG-13 rating, the trailer, and being told about the language and explicitly sexual material that oozes throughout the entire film. This is confusing to me because I always thought transformers were toys that young boys played with, not to mention that the toys, clothing, and room decor from this movie are being marketed to children!

In trying to get my point across I said something (in a group of mixed company) that was along the lines of, "They just need to decide what kind of a film they are making. Is it going to be a children's film or adult film?"

Well, I am sure you already see were I went wrong in my wording. The Transformers Adult Film conjures up all kind of mental images that I was not trying to imply. Of course someone had to ask "what kind of film are suggesting they make?" We all got a good laugh out of it. No big deal, because like I said we're practically family.


Anonymous said...

There probably is an adult Transformer film already.
That is very funny, LOL.

Michele R said...

I saw it and said on my blog that the actress has had surgery and is posing as though she were in an adult film.