Monday, September 28, 2009

Real Life In Real Time

It seems that things rarely slow down around here, but they do tend to speed up! This is going to be a crazy week for my household so instead of my usual blog format I am just going to be checking in periodically with some updates about my real life as it happens.

I haven't seen J all day other than the kiss goodbye before he left this morning. Our church is opening a coffee shop. We bought an old beat up building and have been in the remodeling process for a while now. This month we are down to the wire to get this thing up and running and so J has been putting in some 14 hour days (not to mention today was his day off.) I am sure you will be hearing more about this project sometime in the future.

On Thursday we leave for Kentucky. My oldest brother is getting married. Of course it's a big deal when anyone gets married, but this seems like a really really big deal. We got married in reverse order. I was the youngest and was married first, the middle child followed shortly after. Then years later as my oldest brother hit and crossed the big 3-0 milestone without ANY sign of a serious relationship we wondered when he would ever settle down. We weren't worried, and we never rushed him, but let it suffice to say we are happy for him.

Add to all that the fact that Z had eye surgery on Thursday and the post operative instructions and follow through is our main priority above everything else right now.

It's a little overwhelming to think about everything there is to do, but what this really means is that there are a lot of potentially great things on the horizon. Now let's just hope I get through it all without any major melt downs.


Michele R said...

A wedding, how fun! Will you be relaxing or shooting photos?
Hope little Z fared well with his surgery!

hannah L. said...

will be praying for your crazy week!

Erin Myers said...

you guys are in our prayers!! I can certainly understand "busy" Sometimes i wish life would slow down just a little!