Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Haircut

I was stuck at the Toyota dealership for an hour yesterday getting my oil changed. While waiting I ended up reading an issue of People magazine cover to cover. It turns out that Kate Hudson's son just had his first haircut, which was breaking news of course. Her and Celine Dion always intrigued me the way they never cut their little boys hair.

I always said I would never ever do that! And although I might not have a 5 year old with hair past his shoulders I did have a little boy with long locks that would be the envy of many toddler girls. His bangs dangled in his face and his curls covered his neck. We really riled a lot of people up from family members to strangers wondering WHEN WILL WE CUT THAT BOY'S HAIR!?

I blame my husband. He liked the shaggy california look and would make comments like "he will tell us when he wants a haircut". Obviously this is unrealistic. If we relied on him to tell us when he wanted something done he would never bathe or eat anything of nutritious value. To compromise we settled on giving him his first haircut at two years old. We have had this planned for a while now and on the morning of his second birthday we made the cut before J even headed off to work.

Even though I was beyond ready to give him a trim it was hard to see the baby curls go and it will take some time to get used to the new haircut. As far as Z goes, he doesn't even seem to notice. Another milestone crossed and many more to come, milestones and haircuts.

1 comment:

Tracy Ryan said...

I think the new cut makes him look younger ;)