Friday, September 25, 2009

Looking On The Bright Side

There are lots of things about pregnancy that I could complain about, but it's not all bad. There are certain things I can appreciate while I am living in the moment. Although they may come with some restrictions or stipulations here are a some things I have become somewhat spoiled by in my current condition. So in contrast to last months top 5 complaints here are my top 5 perks of pregnancy.

1. No Dieting!
You don't need to subscribe to Fit Pregnancy magazine to know that you are supposed to eat right and exercise throughout the entire 9 months. However, strict dieting and weight loss is absolutely out of the questions and if it is a new fitness routine that would strain your body you are advised against it. So for someone who is always considering starting a diet or new exercise regimen, but never does, you don't have to worry about it anymore. In fact it's forbidden. So now if I get the urge to go run a marathon I am off the hook. I love it!

2. Excuses
I feel like I was born clumsy and forgetful, but this is not an excuse that most people recognize as legitimate, that is were pregnancy comes in. I don't like the fact that at times I wonder where my brain has gone, but I do like that at least now I can blame it on something.

3. Maternity Clothes
Maternity clothes have come a long way sistas! There were times when I wasn't pregnant that I would admire the clothes made for women who were and now I can wear the big belly styles once again. I love having an elastic waste band, especially at a time when bathroom trips are quadrupled it's nice to just skip the zipper.

4. Extra Calories
Okay, I know that "eating for two" can be taken to an extreme, but you are at least allowed an extra 300 calories. I don't know about you, but anytime someone wants to instruct me to take in more calories I am all ears, or all mouth, or stomach. Whatever, I just like to have an excuse (there is that excuse perk again) to stuff my face at times.

5. Letting It All Hang Out
Other than babies and toddlers this is the one time in your life you can have a big round belly and everyone thinks it is adorable. Postpartum tummies are inevitable, but for now I can quit sucking it in, put the spanks* away, and just enjoy my silhouette. This is the time to sport "my bump, my bump, my lovely baby bump."

*The truth is I don't own any spanks, but if I did I would put them away.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I agree with all these - it's why I liked being pregnant, too! (Of course, I also have a list of reasons pregnancy is hard, but that's for another day.)

And I like your new signature! :)

nurmisur said...

Yes, I've enjoyed that part f pregnancy also :)
It's like everything you do at the time is well done, you can get away with so many things...

Zion said...

The signature was an accident. I have a bunch of codes that I copy and paste, but maybe I'll use it more often.