Friday, September 11, 2009

From Baby to Toddler

There are many things that are changing for my little guy as he transitions into this new stage of life. As mentioned on Wednesday he has a big boy hair cut now. We also dumped the diaper bag and replaced it with an adorable penguin back pack that he got for his birthday.

On Sunday he graduated from the infants nursery at church to the 2-3 year old class. His teacher said he did a good job, but that he did go to time out once. She also told me not to worry because he was really obedient overall and his behavior is not abnormal, so that's a relief. He was sent home with a craft that they did which was a little paper ark that he decorated with animal stamps. This was exciting because they don't do stuff like that in the baby nursery. I have it hanging on the fridge.

He might be becoming a big boy now, but that doesn't mean that all the baby stuff is gone. For example he still sleeps in his crib. I LOVE having him in the crib, but I know the time is near that we will no longer have that luxury and will have to teach him to STAY IN BED at bedtime. Also I did an "ask the reader" post about bottle weening about 5 months ago and he still takes a bottle at night, but we only give him water now so we don't have to worry about his teeth rotting. Both the crib and the bottle are such a crutch to get him the much needed sleep that we all deserve, but when I get enough motivation I will eventually tackle these issues.

So he still wears diapers most of the time, sleeps in a crib, and takes a bottle, but I don't mind. I am fine with him growing up, just not overnight.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Happy birthday to Z! He looks so cute with his new haircut! But here's to baby days lasting just a little longer.