Friday, September 18, 2009

Pam and I are both pregnant

Last night was the season premiere of the Office. At the end of last season I admit I wasn't terribly impressed. I might have even made a comment about the show jumping the shark with their cliff hanger of Jim and Pam's pregnancy. Of course that was before I was pregnant. Now I am very interested to find out about this lil' bitty fictional bundle of joy. Of all the office characters I relate the most to Pam. I guess everyone would, unless you are a guy then you would say Jim. That's the point of the show. Jim and Pam represent you the viewer and the rest of the cast represent the annoying people that you work with.

I don't often take Face Book quizzes, but every once in a while the nostalgia of being in Middle School with a bunch of my girlfriends huddled around a Seventeen magazine and taking quizzes lours me in to relive the moment with more meaningless multiple choice questions.
So when I saw that my Face Book friends were taking the quiz titled"which office character are you?" I gave it a try, and the quiz results confirmed the suspicions that I am a Pam.

So anyway, Pam and I are pregnant at the same time. This should be fun. I remember when I got married it was the same year as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. The bridal buzz was all about this power couples nuptials, and even though they only released one photo of the big day the tabloids milked it for all it was worth.

It's amazing to look back now and see how Jennifer Aniston married the most sought after bachelor in the world around the same time that I married a small town musician with a low paying day job, and now 9 years later I think it's fair to say that I was the lucky one.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Very blessed. As for marking time with celebs. I remember being pregnant with my third child the same time as Lady Di. I forget now the prince's exact birthday but it's just days from my lovely daughters. They when my next child came along it was me and Lady Di again and prince Harry was born days apart again. Just makes it interesting some how.

Becky said...

Ha! Good point. You definitely are the lucky one!