Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Kiss My Cars

We have been doing some potty training around here, which means BIG BOY UNDERWEAR! For his birthday Z's aunt gave him some briefs with the characters from Car's on them and a pack of m&m's (bribery candy). He was really excited about the car underwear.

One of his latest saying has been "mommy kiss it" when he hurts himself. If he hurts his finger he'll say "mommy kiss my finger" or foot or whatever. One day while wearing his car undies he fell down and came up to me pointing his booty saying "mommy kiss my cars". So as only a mother would do, I pursed my lips, gave him a kiss on the "cheek", and made it all better.

The above photo was all I could find of him in whitey tighties. It's hard to see, but he does have a sticker on his shirt which means he must have had a successful potty session that day. As far as the high heels, I am sure he'll be mortified about it later, but it's cute right now, especially when he goes around wearing heels and pushing his mini lawn mower.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ah ha ha! I am cracking up! Kiss my cars--that is a mother's love for you.

And the combo of candy treats and big boy undies AND a sticker chart are what finally did it around here, so good luck!