Gone are the days where you expect men to be able to fix a leaky pipe, build a coffee table, and bring home wild game for dinner. That's not to say that all of the handy, manly men are extinct. I am blessed to have a husband who has done all of the above except for the dinner thing. I am pretty sure the only animal he has ever killed was a cat, and it was with a car. Of course he felt terrible about it. There are times when the whole "I can do it myself" mentality can be a little stressful, but usually it is just a major blessing for our finances.
For example, last week was not our week for cars. The day after my car was run into by a Hummer, my husband's car failed to start up. A broken down car is the last thing we need. My husband knew he had been having starter trouble and already called the repair shop only to get a quote of $500 (at least) to get it fixed. Then he decided to buy a new starter and do it himself. The part cost $180, so we were saving, but it was still quite a blow to the budget.

Then later once hubby got underneath the car he figured out which part of the starter was broken and decided he could just rebuild the whole thing himself. He took the starter back and traded it in for a piece that only cost $5.00! It was the starter solenoid contact for anyone that might be into that kind of thing. So praise God we went from a $500 problem to a $5 solution.
I'd like to think of it as DIH, because if you can't "do it yourself" you might as well see if you can have your husband "do it himself". That's just one way this messy mom is keepin' it frugal. For more Frugal ideas check Frugal Friday at Life as Mom.

That's crazy. My husband just learned to change the oil last month and got a tutorial on doing a tune up which he'll be doing this month. We're on the same page!!!!
Found you at frugal friday.
Following you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy @ www.thecheapandchoosy.blogspot.com
p.s. subscribed in google reader! You should add the google friend connect...you're blog rocks and it's a great way to follow other blogs! I'd love to see you show up in my feed!!!
I wish Chris was more handy! I think he could do things if he tried, but...do you remember who built our shed?! ;)
I got one of those DIH's too. There is lots of muttering around here when he does stuff about how the old guy who lived here before us did things crazy and every project here has to take twice as long.
The internet has been helpful for him to hear car fixing advise from other people, broken waTER PIPE, ETC.
I'm with you!!! Shawn's a great dih guy. When we were in our condo he (with help from my dad) pretty much built a little room for Caleb out of a hallway, 2 closets, and a bathroom ;) I love how handy men can save us SO much money :)
Hi, found you through the Rhine's blog and have been enjoying your posts. I can completely appreciate a DIH and DIY moment. We're in the middle of a complete kitchen rennovation - completely gutted. Learning on the job! But so far so good and saving tons of $$. My husband's a car guy so he'll appreciate the solonoid repair on the starter!
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