This week I am sharing a list of things my peers are into, but I am not. If you are offended by anything that you read just remember, I am the one that is not cool here.

1. Smart phones
I have the basic bottom of the line phone which I use for calling. That’s that. One day my 2 year old picked up my phone and ran his finger across the screen like he was trying to “scroll” through my apps or something. He is used to his daddy’s iphone. I told him “no son you have to push the buttons on mommy’s phone. I don’t have a touch screen." It’s bad when you feel like your phone is so outdated even toddlers are patronizing you.
2. Twilight
All I know is there is a team Edward, team Jacob, and team I don’t give a rip.
3. Self Tanner
15 years ago the only kind of sunless tan you could get was splotchy and orange, but now there are a gazillion products to choose from. Can you believe women are paying $75 for a spray on tan that lasts a week? I think it’s great that women are starting to take charge of their health by using alternitive methods to tan, but I think I am just too cheap and low maintance to try any.
4. Infinity scarf/ Loop scarf
I almost bought one of these the other day, but I couldn't figure out what you were supposed to do with it. I tried to wrap around my head, but it got stuck and I looked like a muslim. Some accessories need to come with an instruction manual.
5. Texting
I am one of the worlds worst texters. I will use it every once in a while like last week when my husband ran out the door without acknowledging my birthday and he text me from work to say he was sorry. I text back to say “it’s okay I ate that cookie you were saving”. Other than that I think I am too much of a multitasker to text. Maybe they will come up with a hands free texting device, wait a minute I think I am onto something.
6. The Bachelor
Does anyone else think the concept of this show is a bit barbaric or is it just me? I could write an essay on this one, so I will just leave it at that for now.
7. The Gladiator Sandal
Nothing wrong with them, I just don’t happen to own any.
8. Tattoos
I have always tended to gravitate towards the rocker crowd so I have just as many friends with tattoos as I do without. I have no problems with them. If you have one or several that’s great, but I would probably give birth in my bath tub before I would ever get a tattoo, oh wait I did that.
9. . Piercings
This goes hand in hand with number 8. The only piercings I have were done when I was two years old. That was my rebellious stage.
10. Twitter
Maybe someday I will catch up with the rest of the world and start tweeting, but as you can see by this post I think I would use too many words.

Thanks for checking out my blog! Yeah I like your list too. Most of them I can say I am with you on, no fancy phone for me, though my husbands thinks I need one. He actually badgered me into getting an ipod, he has one of the movie ones, mines the basic still though, and I do like it a little :). I also would never pay so much for a tan, I even struggle between a desire to experince some fancy spa massage but realizing they want like $150 for an hour of it...yeah right now my cheap side is holding me back there (though my sister just got certified so I may get free ones when I see her next).
Considering I don't know what several of those things are, I'm in the same category as you! Except I like twitter and texting. ;)
This weekend, I discovered that my husband has NO idea what Twilight is. I've read the first book and haven't seen any movies - and don't have a desire to. But still. It IS kind of a cultural phenomenon. And he HAD just made fun of one of our friends for not knowing who Bon Jovi is. (And yes, I'm serious. Can you believe that???) All that to say, I'm not into Twilight, either. Or smartphones. Or self tanner (although I should be. I am albino white!).
I am right there with you on about half of those things. ^_^
And there is no way I would ever say you weren't cool... just so ya know ^_^
I am so NOT into Twilight. I'm so sick of the whole vampire trend right now.
I don't even know what an infinity scarf IS, so you're ahead of me. I'm extremely low maintenance; I don't even wear make-up.
I escaped from the house when my mom was in town the other day and found these summer scarves at Kohl's that are like a giant loop, after some investigation online I figured out what they are called.
So there is the story behind that.
Erin, thanks for saying I am cool. I do like podcasts, GPS, and sushi so I am not all things old school :P
we are definitely not one of those "opposite" friends. we are so similar, except the piercing thing. i HATE the bachelor, peter thinks gladiator sandals are hidious so that's why i don't wear them (i think they're cute on the right pair of feet), what is an endless scarf?, twilight was interesting but i felt convicted liking a movie about vampires, and a person once told me that tattoos feel like a constant carpet burn when you're getting them so that turned me off real quick. :P
Like you, I am not so next gen -- I have a gophone, I don't text, don't twitter. I don't like tattoos or piercing either, but then I'm not so rocker crowd myself. I'm not sure what an infinity scarf is and i had no idea that self-tanner was back. So basically, I'm not even aware of most trends. Ah, motherhood.
Love this list, Natalie! Sadly, I read all the Twilight books...Team Jacob, fwiw. Ahem.
But yes, yes, yes to the rest! I have had to say NO to smartphones b/c I know I would never look at my children if I had a phone that could blog and facebook and tweet. Oh. Twitter. I do that one, too.
I'm with you on at least 1/2 of your list! I actually had to look up Gladiator sandals!! For the record, I've always thought you were WAY cooler than me!
I'm with you on everything but Twilight and texting. Twilight is my guilty (reading and movie watching) pleasure.
And I will be inheriting Jer's iPhone when he upgrades to the latest edition after I go back to work.
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