I decided to try to potty train my son when he was 22 months old. My husband and I were both potty trained (willingly) by 18 months so I was hoping it would be genetic that he could learn early. I quizzed all my friends and family about how they did it and what approach would be best. From what I read I thought I should have everything knocked out in 3 days. Well, let me tell you he was not potty trained in 3 days, and by day 10 I quit because I realized that he was not ready! In fact he wouldn’t be ready until nearly a whole year later.
If there is one thing I learned through all of this it is that potty training is not one try fits all. But for the other mothers out there like me that want to know what method, how long, and what worked, I thought I would share my toilet testimony hoping that it might be helpful. That’s what makes this post a perfect for WFMW because it may not work for everyone, but it worked for me.
There are may be some children that are successfully potty trained in 3 days or less, but for my son it could not have been a more gradual learning method.
I began round two of potty training by showing him the Elmo potty time video, giving him lots to drink, and sitting him on the baby toilet encouraging him to go wee wee. He would hold it until he was blue in the face (almost literally) and would run off and pee elsewhere any chance he got. I had a notebook to document when he had a drink and the time and location of the pee or poop. After just a couple of days I had the whole thing down to a science as to how often he would need to go and I would take him. He fought it like crazy, but little by little he caught on. First he started peeing in the training toilet after about 4 days, about 6 days later he would go in the toilet at the church or friends house, after a couple weeks he had the peeing down as long as I took him, but it took nearly a month before he would consistently poop in the toilet. Now here we are 3 months later and he is the one telling me when he has to go and he is no longer having any accidents day or night.
Basically it just came down to waiting for the right time for both of us, then tracking progress and patterns, and being persistent. Check back tomorrow for more details and recommendations.

If you are potty training right now check out some of these other moms stories. Sometimes it's just encouraging to know that there are other people that are in the same boat.
The Dangers of Potty Training (Mary at Giving Up On Perfect)
Tales From Purgatory (Joy at In This Journey)
Potty Training (Mandi at It's Come 2 This)
I agree that every child is unique and you just have to figure out what works for that child and also both of your temperaments! My daughter was well past three before she showed signs of readiness but, once she did, she was potty-trained in a day and a half. I didn't let it worry me if people thought she was "old" to be in diapers. Her doctor and I were not worried. You have to do what works! :) Glad you found a technique that worked out for your family.
Here's to round two!! The good thing is I don't know any normal adults in diapers:) Thanks for the link:)
Oh goodness, I'm not looking forward to this milestone!
Oh ya, every child is different in how they potty train! I'm glad Z is doing so well now!! It sounds like he was definitely ready this time around!
Tracking patterns was a big deal for us, too. I had to watch her behavior and figure out what was going on before I could even begin to change that behavior. It sounds so common sense, but I sure didn't know it going in! :) Thanks for the link!
I'm glad it worked for you! Here's what worked for me.
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